Marvel Champions - Small Box Inserts (Fits sleeved cards without removing existing insert)

Marvel Champions - Small Box Inserts (Fits sleeved cards without removing existing insert)


I love the coloured inserts in the small boxes but I hate how slippy they are, if you don't have a full row of cards in there your cards slip and slide everywhere everytime you touch them so i wanted to think of a solution where i could keep the coloured inserts but also have things stay put I use this: in my core box which is really good but I couldn't find anything that people had made similar for a small box. I designed this very similarly but instead of being an insert replacement like the above mentioned for the core box, this one is designed to sit directly on top of the insert, so you lose the colour on the bottom obviously but you still have the nice patterned stripe down the middle as this would effectively be wasted space anyway if i made them big enough to fit in the box without the insert. To solve the slip sliding around problem i put little ridges on the bottom which holds them perfectly without taking up valuable space. When inserting them into the box they are VERY VERY snug and it might seem like they won't go in with the insert in but believe me they do, they are just exact measurements and had to be designed this way so sleeved cards could fit inside. There are 2 versions, a quarter box where you can print 4 out and then pull them out of the box separately when needed.. or a half box where you can print 2 out.






