Tonk Frame Starter Pack!

Tonk Frame Starter Pack!


I have had the WORST time trying to scratch build tiny goofy tanks to play a game of Tonks with. If that's also you, then congratulations, you've come to the right place! This pack of tiny files are jam packed with a series of basic building blocks to get a cartoony Tonk going in a much shorter amount of time than rummaging through your bits boxes to find something that might work. AS A NOTE, these are NOT designed to be super artistic pieces of print. Instead, they are building blocks upon which you can decorate, paint, modge podge, and otherwise kitbash a tonk out of for use with the game without needing to necessarily sort out the basics yourself. Not only does this make the barrier for entry to the world of scratch building easier to pass through, but it also means that there is a shorter period between building your tonks and playing with friends. Print up a bunch of individual parts and go ham to create a unique skeleton to then adorn with your best bits! Included in this are: 2 different Tank Bodies 3 different turrets (which can swivel!). The first two are mostly complete turret frames and the 3rd is just a flat platform to build your own turret upon. 2 different barrel styles. Each barrel style has a straight option as well as an option that pre conforms to the shape of the more finished turrets above. 2 different tread frame styles. A standard oval tread format, and a tapered tread format using a big wheel and a little wheel. Almost every part (except the dome turret) can be printed without supports, and almost everything is hollow to save on materials and print time. The wheel beds can be flipped either direction to use with the recessed side or the flat side out, and all the parts (except that which spins the turret) is all affixed with the glue of your choice. Best of all? Tonks are small enough that you could really print them on a filament or resin printer, and if you wanna change anything, rescale the bits however you like! If you make them and enjoy them I'd love to hear about it! Also, if you have not played Tonks, or are completely unfamilar with the game I'm talking about, check out the link below!






