Gaggia Classic Low Drip Tray with front extension
I designed this drip tray, because I unfortunatly couldn't find another design, that fit my needs and they mostly didn't fit my style. With my Gaggia Classic I use the "Nilpferd Kaffeewaage" from amazon and a bottomless porta filter. Of course this limited the room for taller cups, especially with the stock porta filter (for two cups). I also had to put the scale sidewasy on to the stock tray. So this tray solves: 1. Compatibility with "Nilpferd Kaffeewaage". 2. Compatibility with tall cups (for me with scale and bottomless portafilter: 9,8 cm of room) 3. Design aspects of the stock tray can be found in this one as well. As well as it looking a bit sleeker in my opinion. The feet can be glued to the corrosponding place on the bottom of the tray. This way it will lock in to the stock holes of the frame. I have to be honest though: I never printed them because it also works well without them. Damn those micro scratches look really bad in that lighting haha