mmWave Motion Sensor for Home Assistant ESPHOME

mmWave Motion Sensor for Home Assistant ESPHOME


RCWL-0516 Doppler Radar Sensor for Home Assistant ESPHome: Elements: - ESP32 Mini - RCWL-0516 Doppler Radar Sensor - 5V Mini USB Power Source ESPHOME Config: esphome: name: sensor friendly_name: Sensor esp8266: board: nodemcuv2 logger: api: encryption: key: "<your key>" ota: password: <your ota password> wifi: ssid: <your wifi SSID> password: <your wifi password> fast_connect: True output: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: sensor_onboard_led pin: GPIO2 inverted: false binary_sensor: - platform: gpio device_class: motion pin: number: GPIO16 mode: INPUT_PULLDOWN id: sensor name: "detectado" filters: - delayed_on: 1ms - delayed_off: 10000ms on_release: then: - output.turn_on: sensor_onboard_led on_press: - while: condition: binary_sensor.is_on: sensor then: - output.turn_off: sensor_onboard_led - delay: 10ms - output.turn_on: sensor_onboard_led - delay: 1000ms switch: - platform: restart name: Reiniciar Note: In case there are false positives, a sheet of well-insulated aluminum foil should be placed on the back side of the sensor.







3D Printing