Rear Stock Height Adjuster

Rear Stock Height Adjuster


This rear height adjuster is to be used in place of a rear sandbag when benchrest rifle shooting. The base has three 1/4-20 adjusting screws to set it level, and a built in bubble level. This insures vertical adjustment of the stock does not move the impact sideways. The cradle is keyed to the base, and the stock will therefore keep the base from rotating when you turn the threaded adjusting wheel (grey part). The cradle is large enough to hold a 2x4 on edge, so will accommodate any stock less than 1.5" in width. The adjusting wheel moves 2mm per turn, and has 20mm of thread engagement, so 1/2" of height adjustment is available while leaving adequate threads for stability. "UP" is the direction of the Point of Impact on the target. If you need more height between the stock and the bench, you can add shims. There are two kinds available, flat ones which raise the stock 10mm or 20mm, and vee-shaped ones that have the bottom of the vee at the original height, 10mm, 20mm, or 30mm higher, and higher ones, or you could design ones that are custom fitted to your gunstock.



