Flexi Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur Segments
I gifted several small flexi dinosaurs to my godchild when he turned 3y old. For the next year I frequently asked him which other dinosaur he would like, and his answer was always "A GIANT GOLDEN T-REX", so when his 4th birthday approached I once again started printing a giant dinosaur! I chopped up the original model, removed any unwanted connections, and checked how much I could scale the largest part (#9 - the head) (for me that was ~600 % on my Ender 3 Pro, however I went for 500 %!). **If you want to print that massive unit of a tyrannosaurus (which is roughly 40 cm in length), you will need to scale all the dinosaur parts to 500 %! With 15 % infill, I ended up printing ~800 g filament, just below one roll!** I decided to prepare some accessories as well, some of which I might upload later: Top hat, monocle, base cap (not printed/ tested), sun glasses (not printed/ tested), an afro (not designed), boxing gloves (not designed), sneakers (not designed).