Jesus Christ God Head and Face Bust Mold (No Supports)
I am doing concrete studies, this is Jesus... You could also use gel or silicon for the mold. I would: 1. Print as detailed as you can (no supports needed) 2. Sand down the matting faces 3. Create some kind of paper gasket (you could use the edge of a pencil to create a paper copy then cut out a few to get a good seal). Google "grave stone rubbings" if you don't know what I mean by that 4. Install nut's/bolts and tighten 5. Throw some rubber bands around it for good measure 6. Pour molding material, making sure to "knock" or "shake" to remove bubbles 6. Wait AT LEAST 100% of the recommended wait to for your material 7. CAREFULLY remove/reveal I also did the easter island head: And a Vase: