Spice Shelf for small and big glass bottles
A simple Spice shelf i designed for my Kitchen and built from Wood. You can also 3D Print it with enough patience. Just split the File so the parts fit on your Printer, glue everything together and spraypaint. The shelf is designed for the Use with Bottles like these: Big: gouveo 12er Set Gewürzgläser 250 ml rund mit Korken - Kleine Korkengläser mit Korkverschluss - Leere Vorratsgläser für Kräuter, Gewürze - Kleine runde Glasdose : Amazon.de: Küche, Haushalt & Wohnen Small: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B093LG67ZS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 Lastly, if you have questions, want additional file formats, have a Commission, or just want to nerd out about 3D Printing stuff: Dont hesitate to contact me at maxheider111@gmail.com , Instagram @Pathfinder_Max or directly over Printables/Thingiverse!