-4AN fitting assembly tool (Summit Racing)

-4AN fitting assembly tool (Summit Racing)


Absolutely could not assemble this Summit Racing -4AN fitting with the braided stainless steel hose for my turbo oil supply. I discovered that a set of these actual tools costs $150+. Then I found that people have designed and posted models for these assembly tools for other sizes but not -4AN. So I designed it up in Solidworks, printed it out and was back in business in a couple hours. I've read that there is a lot of variation from different manufacturers of these fittings so this may not work with a non Summit Racing fitting. Put your fitting in, clamp it in the vise, and twist as you push the hose in. I hope this helps some of you facing the same challenge. I will design and post other sizes as i find out that i need them. So far, I used -10AN on the current project and they went in without a problem. I know I have some -8AN connections coming up.






