Cammy SFV

Cammy SFV


PROPERTY OF CAPCOM. USED WITHOUT PERMISSION. this is a FULL 1:4 (~40 cm) resin print of cammy's victory pose. the legs and extended glove were printed separately. a piece of her hair broke off and her face cracked a bit... but wood filler fixed it up easily. there were a few gaps in her butt as well because i didn't include enough holes to relieve the pressure. eyelashes were excluded. 'goggles lens' was solidified but originals are still available in the BLEND. printed at 0.05 mm layer height with 2.0 s exposure. HOLLOW your STL in PrusaSlicer before exporting to lychee or chitubox for supporting and slicing. i used 2.3 mm walls, 0.9 precision, 1.8 mm closing distance in prusaslicer in case anyone's interested. its really difficult to find contrast on a white model... i even recorded a 360 movie but it was overexposed badly. i don't have any fancy lights or diffusors and my camera skills are quite basic, but the model looks incredible. i might repost 2B next at 1:4 x 320%, or i even start musashi miyamoto or someone from trials of mana. this white resin was a bad idea, but i already went through 3.0L, so i'm more than halfway done.






