Blanket Ladder Layout Jig

Blanket Ladder Layout Jig


Router Template and Layout Jig for blanket ladders. I've been building decorative blanket ladders for the last few years, mostly as gifts and donations, but the layout process was always tedious and prone to errors. I recently had requests from a few local organizations for donation items for fundraisers so I figured I would work up a jig to improve my process and save time. And, because I get a lot of great info and tools from the rest of the maker community, I'm sharing the jig and all of my process with all of you. I've included the 15° final version and the 10° version 1 designs. The pics attached were from my 1st run through with v1. I get 1 ladder out of 1 - 1"x10"x8' s4s poplar (pine is acceptable but will ding and scratch easier). See cut layout pic above for details. I finish with 2 coats of matte spray paint, give it a once over with steel wool or 120 grit sandpaper to distress the edges and give the paint some character, then rub a little clear furniture wax over everything to seal the paint from wearing off onto someone's irreplaceable quilt or blanket. If you like this, check out some of my other projects at and send me some pics of your completed blanket ladders to share on my page.






