Case for 4-1 Retro Game Console Kit HU-001 SH00108

Case for 4-1 Retro Game Console Kit HU-001 SH00108


This is an easy-to-print case for the DIY retro-gameconsole, like the one here: As mine came without a case kit, I designed one in Tinkercad. As the Post-Printing-Section is not displayed like expected, I add it here: Just print the two halves, install the PCB in the upper half (three small screws needed - btw: who designes a PCB layout with only 3 mounting holes???). (the screw holes in the upper half are designed kind of slots, so you can adjust the PCB position to align buttons with corresponding holes!) Then use a double-sided adhesive tape to fix the battery holder inside the bottom part. Put both parts together - make sure the TOP marking on the lower parts points to the top, because there is a support column for the PCB in the bottom case to compensate for the missing 4th screw. There you are! PS: I attached a red plastic sheet between case and LED displays to enhance contrast of the display. I salvaged that from a plastic file cover and fixed it with small melting points made with my soldering iron...






