Pom Pom Illusion
I've always been interested in magic. When I was a kid I remember seeing a David Copperfield special on primetime cable, it was amazing! The illusion of magic is lifechanging if the secrets are never revealed, but I'm no magician, I'm a 3D print hobbyist just trying to make entertaining things and challenge myself every day. I became aware of this illusion from YT videos. Obviously I wasn't going to spend money and buy one already done when I could just model and 3D print my own, right? Where's the fun in that? Below is a link to my video which goes into detail of the assembly, once 3D printed. It also gives a demonstration of the magic trick itself (it took me a few attempts, ngl). https://youtu.be/5wnKOX7PB0o If you like models like this, be sure to give the video and model a like, then subscribe @Sanford Prime on YouTube. Be sure to check out the other model videos on the page! You might find something you like, all the models are here to download for free as well! Overall, this is a fun trick that can be downloaded and printed basically for free! Many people, more than I thought, had no idea how it was done and were mindblown when they saw the climax of the illusion. Hopefully it works the same for you. There are a few non-printed parts used for this assembly: - short length of string (I ended up using teflon dental floss) - 2 magnets - wire (not used in the assembly, but used as a needle and fish for the string) - short length of 1.75mm filament. The exact magnets I used are available from Harbor Freight for a reasonable price, Link Here: https://www.harborfreight.com/10-piece-rare-earth-magnets-67488.html Qty's of the model components are below: - Ball (4 required, one of each color) - Colored Ring (8 required, two of each color) - End (2 required, same color) - Joiner (1 Required) - Slide (2 Required) I printed my model completely from PLA and it printed very well without supports. The final assembly functioned superb! Thanks for checking this out! Have fun with it and let me know how yours turns out!