OrcQuest: WarPath board game - brace for storing the Spawn Area

OrcQuest: WarPath board game - brace for storing the Spawn Area


It's recommended that the Spawn Area tile in OrcQuest remain assembled so that there isn't a lot of wear and tear on it. This simple bracket allows it to be stored in the box, and the box to be stored in any orientation, without damaging the Spawn Area tile. I did have to rearrange the two boxes a bit to get this together. In this box is the plastic card and token trays, the large tile set, two smaller tile sets (arranged side by side), the OQ01-B box of miniatures, and finally the Spawn Area. The other box contains all of the other components. Neither box has any lid lift. Print... 4x OQ-SpawnTileCornerBrace 4x OQ-SpawnTileSideBrace It's probably OK to not use the side braces, but it gives it better support and stability with those in there.






