Halloween Box
Halloween box with interchangeable eyes/face place. This was inspired by the old cut eyes in a toilet paper tube trick. * The box will turn out best when printed with the slot on the bottom so the opening faces forward [like this](https://imgur.com/a/i5KIkWl). When setup like this you can use tree supports so the overhanging top has support. You can play with some other rotations to try and minimize supports but I've found this to be best result. Face up works well but i've found it leave the slot a little rougher. It can be printed with 15% infill * All the rest can be printed flat and 100% infill. I print the base in white and all the rest in black. The base will let the light through while the black eyes create the shape/effect. * The base and the eyes will all stand just a little above the slot which is intentionally so they can easily be grabbed and removed. The base is just a bit shorter than the eyes so the white is hidden when looking at it from the front. Inside I have [one of these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09LXXWHZZ/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1) lights stuck to the back with velcro. I know they are a little expensive but its not horrible for 4 of them that fits well, is rechargeable, and has a remote. I'd love to find something cheaper but this is the best I have found so far. I think it turned out pretty great but let me know what you think. I'll probably make a few more eyes for it and maybe some other options for different holidays.