Wire Length Cutting Machine V1

Wire Length Cutting Machine V1


Project is a work in Progress. At the time of upload, it isn't done printing. So check back in often for updates! Ever have to measure a ton of really long wires for an antenna or belts? I have, and the measurements usually end up being wrong. So I devised a way to have tech do it for me. this instrument of metrologists dreams is iteration one to solve that problem with things any avid tinkerer has on hand. If you want, I've included all the parts on one build plate plus individual parts, part drawings for remixes, and code soon. Note: 2x of the channel guides need to be printed, everything else is 1x each. ~~Required Materials~~ Arduino Uno/Mega Nema 17 Stepper motor Stepper motor driver (I use L298N H-Bridge Drivers) 5x M3 x 8-12mm machine screws 3x 1/4-20 machine screw (length can vary) 3x 1/4" x 5/8" x 9/32 bearings (Optional, use longer 1/4-20 bolts. just may not glide easy) Link:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PVGZFGP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 R4 Size I am better at CAD than code, so the code may take time to come out. If you need a specific mod to this for your project, there are part drawings of the wheel and guide that can easily be made in TinkerCAD. I have the holes knocked out to hot swap guides if needed and have it be more "Open Source." If you dare to try to code yourself, nerd, also the knurled drum is 1.5in in diameter, I'll get the true length to the guide once its printed.



