Connecting dust filter for 2x120 mm fans (for GPU deshroud)
Dust filter for two 120mm fans, two of these connect the fans together while filtering dust and making a cleaner look. Made as a two part model since my printer's bed is less than 240mm I designed this for my deshrouded GPU in an open air installation (see my Skådis-hack:, but of course can be used anywhere. HOW TO PRINT: - Print without top and bottom layers and at minimum 6 wall lines (0.4 mm), though I recommend at least 10 which I think I used. - Infill density per your liking, grid recommended (maybe lines would work well too). The filter part of the model is 0.6mm thick, designed for 0.2mm layer height. I think I used 0.3-0.35 mm line width for the infill in order to get it more dense. - let it cool properly and be gentle when taking out of the bed.