Altoids ultra-compact live bait and lure box
This inlay uses an Altoid container as an **ultra-compact live bait and lure box**. The main compartment is big enough for a number of worms and soil to keep them happy for a while (I've already both tested and used it successfully), and has a lid to ensure that the mess stays in one place :-). After testing the first model, I made small adjustments to allow me to put a piece of tape (as seen in the pictures) to help lift the lid off more easily. The other compartment, while small, still has room for hooks, a lure or two, and other small items you want to take with you. If you like what I do I would appreciate a like, but even more so a picture of your printed model and how you used it. Also, take a look at some of the other things I made here: ( ( Also, as a reminder: If you want to make (and share) your own inlays, I have made a template you can use. I've also made some other inlays you might like. Just head over to my designs/models page and have a look. If you like what I do I would appreciate a like (or even a coffee), but even more so a picture of your printed model and how you used it.