Armoured Space Dwarf Sergeant Units 28mm
(These models and all my previous listings of Armoured Space Dwarves have been reworked and updated from what they originally were, with the whole model being scaled up by 1.1x, the hands and heads enlarged and the feet reduced in height slightly. The belt buckle detail has also changed; with the rune on the originals changed for a five sided twist release devise. This is the easiest way to check from which version any previously downloaded models are from and if they need to be replaced) I present several squads worth of unique Sergeant units for my armoured space dwarf army. These are standard marine units in the 2nd edition style; with each trooper armed with either: a Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Hand Flamer or Inferno/Melta Pistol in one hand and a: Chain Sword, Power Sword, Power Axe, Power Maul or Power Fist in the other. (Inferno pistols are supposed to be quite rare, so there should probably be only a few in any army. There are 54 unique units, with all combinations of the melee and pistol weapons accounted for, in both handed orientations, plus bolters and melee weapons. Heads can be found here: These models are scaled down to specifically match the original Squats. to match the scale of other current Space Dwarf .STLs; my model will need to be scaled up by 1.1x.