Orange Pi Zero 3 PS2 FAT Case

Orange Pi Zero 3 PS2 FAT Case


It's a Mini PS2 that fit's the Orange Pi Zero 3 - which imo still leaves a bit to be desired. Personally, I find it hard to print, later I found out it should be printed with a 0.2mm nozzle so head's up. And also I truly truly believe that if left in the size it's in, the OpiZ3 should be moved all the way to the left if looking at it from the back - so it would be where the hdd bay and disc trey are on a normal PS2. Then you could technically cut the 13 pins, and also cut the contacts of the expansion, to add the expansion via male to female wires and plug it in upside down, where the USB ports are on the normal PS2. Now in my more realistic opinion, I'd like for it to be just thick enough to house the OpiZ3 with 2 fans, one on the left where that peculiar opening is, and one in the back, as well as allowing the expansion to just sit nicely ontop. It also be great to have OPI2 or whatever dumb thing is engraved on the front gone, and instead just like PS2 in it's standard form, since that would look infinitely cooler. Esp if say it had semi functional (but fake) Memory cards. That be neat. once again like the gamecube, you could take the expansions two USBs and with some wiring use them as front facing controller ports, which much like the gamecube I'd prefer to use them for storage since ideally I'd get to store a large selection of PS2, PSP, and PS1 games on this thing, and maybe the other emulators it also runs. So it would also be cool if once again, the board was shifted entirely to one side, like the disc trey side, and room made for like a USB to mSATA adapter cause they small and have large capacity for not as much as those very expensive USB sticks do. barring in mind the extremely enormous libraries of the three playstations available up to the PSP (Maybe even vita3k works? idk yet cause I've been 90% pissed off about these cases and the OG designer - who is letting me do this cause they don't want to finish the job they said - is that they aren't practical by any sense, they look nice, the PS2 in particular is too small in my opinion making the gamecube look far too large. And the lack of space for the expansion and even like a fan annoyins me a lot. Please if someone can fix this a lot of us OpiZ3 Owners would be so greatful.






