Geekworm X825 RPi Case modified half

Geekworm X825 RPi Case modified half


Geekworm make a nice case for the Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 with mounted accessories, including a power control board (X735) and an SSD/HDD shield (X825). The case, fan, and nice control switch sells for $24 [] The only problem - acknowledged by the manufacturer - is that the metal case interferes with wifi signal, limiting the RPi to 2.4GHz band use only. This shell replaces 1/2 of the metal case, allowing full use of wifi and BT signals, and with provisions for the GPIO ribbon cable to be brought out for additional connections and tests (I use a Canakit GPIO to Breadboard extender Board for all my programming) Again, just to be clear - this is only 1/2 of the full case. I didn't see the need to completely reinvent the wheel! Two of the pictures show the completed assembly, with the GPIO ribbon cable coming out the one side.






