Apex Legends Kraber .50-cal Sniper Scope fonctionnal

Apex Legends Kraber .50-cal Sniper Scope fonctionnal


Why I made it ?: I had issues with the sniper scope not working with the original file at 80% size. Soooo I remodeled it and made it fonctionnal for all of the enjoyers of Apex_Legend It's designed in 4 parts and has minimal support needs. Also there is a bit of play between the 80% kraber (original file) and the new scope, because I think that mounting a scope shouldn't be a fight in itself, so there is 1 to 2 milimeters of play in the mount, that way you can slip it on where ever you want and glue it permanetly. OH and also this is an LPVO inspired model (if you wanted to know) so it is supposed to be mounted with the circle sight at the end of the ''skinny end" (the oppositeof the end with the knobs on it). But frankly the iron sight can be switched of place it doesn't really matter BUT the cirle sight with the hole in it is ALWAYS the one where you look through! I wait your response, in fact this is WIP because it's my first publication here (and franctly my first CAD model that needed to be adapted to another CAD model...)






