OutDoor Cat Food Tray

OutDoor Cat Food Tray


Hi this 3D model for оutdoor food tray for cats and small dogs with locking in the ground. The model is version 1 so it will be updated whit roof a bit lather . This version is from only 3 parts, one of dem need to be printed 4 times. Printing suggestions : direction to the bed : shown in printDirection.jpg speed : under 90 mm/s ( for new to 3d printing or on old commercial printers ) brim/raft : only to OutTray - pin.stl ( i suggest only brim ) layer : 0.2 - 0.28 Print if possible OutTray - bace.stl part Blu or Yellow so is more visible to the cats. PLEASE PRINT WHIT FOOD SAFE PLASTIC



