9v-ish (PP3 type) battery from salvaged Li-ion vape cells
I needed a 9v battery but I didn't have any with any power left in them but what I did have was plenty of 350mAh cells from discarded disposable vapes.Two 13300 cells will fit nicely inside the volume of a battery and the voltage isn't too far off. The discharge curve of an alkaline battery shows they spend most of the time between around 8 to 6 volts whereas the two Li-ion cells will have a range of 8.4 to 6 volts from charged to discharged which is well within the normal range for an alkaline cell and should work in most equipment. One thing to be aware of though is there is no cell protection on the vape cells so care must be taken to charge and discharge them correctly to avoid any incidents. To complete you will also need, 2 13300 Li-Ion cells, the terminals from a dead 9v battery, wire etc.