bung tap holder

bung tap holder


Some outdoorsy companies sell water containers to take camping and they are super-handy. My first 40 liter container I bought was great and the cap had a bit with threads on it to store the water tap when the bung was in and you were transporting the tank, or to keep the bung safe while the tank was set up with the tap. Now thanks to accountants or people stealing the taps, when you buy a water container you will probably get the bung, but you have to pay extra for the tap and the lids no longer have that really convenient screw port so that if you put the tap in the empty water container where you would expect to find it, it will rattle around - or, if the tank is full of water, you're reaching to the bottom to retrieve the tap when you want to set up. So I designed up something that can be glued to the underside of the lid to do what use to just be common sense.



