Cura 5.5 Sped Benchmark Part

Cura 5.5 Sped Benchmark Part


This part was created as an internal benchmark tool by UltiMaker. The part was heavily used in testing Cura 5.5. Especially the massive speed improvement that it brings to the S Series line of printers. It is being shared so that users of UltiMaker materials can do their own tests and experience time savings. In our own testing, we've seen time savings of 40-50%, going down from 9 hours to 5 hours print times when printing TPLA with at a 0.2 layer height with a 0.8 nozzle. This part was designed by Rijk van Manen, part of UltiMaker's PP&M team. The sample print shown in the images was printed using UltiMaker Though PLA.



