Vertex k8400 Phaetus hotend cooling

Vertex k8400 Phaetus hotend cooling


Upgrading the Vertex K8400 hotend with PaetusDragonfly worked just fine with stock small fan which i setup to extract air since it seems to work better than pushing the air through radiator. After some time because it sucks the particle from the bottom print it seems it was greatly affected in performance and the prints became pretty poor in pla, in fact it never shined with i thought to find a way of cooling the hotend whit out changing too much on the print head. Since sa printer is semi enclosed the heating from the bed form a bubble of heat making the cooling a bit hard to achieve if you don't push a lot of air through the hotend radiator. Since its a bit impossible to use efficiently a bigger fan i consider to use the same tiny original fan but to provide it with clean and cool air from outside the hot air bubble. The solution involve using a very light flexible tube (you can find it from electric insulators) and a silent 7015 blower which suppose to push the air to reach the hotend fan. The tube used is 18.5mm diameter but you can modify in .stp to fit your needs, ideally the tube is better to be shorter so if you can use a higher positioning it would be even better. The solution works very quietly and effective mare stringing and the quality of layers is excelent. In fact i printed with 0.25 layer height the red Polymaker Polyterra which i find to be an extreme elusive type of filament for the bowden.



