K40 CO2 Laser Complete Conversion

K40 CO2 Laser Complete Conversion


2 years ago I got my K40 Co2 laser and immediately converted it because the processing area was far too small for me. With this conversion you can achieve a work surface of 60x28cm. I found what I was looking for online at: https://der-frickler.net/technik/k40laser A special thank you to him because that was a good start I started working based on his idea and design. For the conversion you need a lot of electronic know-how and you should also have good craftsmanship. You should have an angle grinder, drill, etc. at home and sometimes just a pair of strong pliers works. The whole metal body is welded together amateurishly, so sometimes just a little tugging around helps. I changed some of Mr. Frickler's files, some of them were completely redrawn and designed. As you can see in my photos, the laser has now been running smoothly for 2 years. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me. I have put all the photos that I could find online for you online and have recreated them. If anyone needs detailed photos, I can do it for you. it should be pretty self-explanatory I'm sorry that I can't give you perfect instructions anymore, but since this was years ago I don't know everything in detail anymore, but if you're interested, a lot can be restored both in terms of files and video of the mashine is running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfssaDM1bY0






