QuinLED DigQuad/Relay StandOff
Just a simple design to clean up my wiring box, a simple standoff. Dig Quad holes for v3 are 94.310mm long. "Left" side is spaced 41.808mm and the “Right” side is 32.322mm as per document https://quinled.info/quinled-dig-quad-board-dimensions/ (the v1 holes are 91.897mm long, that is the only difference between the 2) Relay holes are 20mm wide and 40mm deep (overall relay board is 25mm x 45mm DigQuad can use m2.5 screws, i only had M2 (8 or 10mm long), which is what is being used in my images but m2.5 hex nuts will also fit in the recessed area for flat mounting Hex Cutouts to reduce amount of Resin/Filament required, but you can also use a screw/washer to secure the standoff into your case/wall.