FR-1 "The Fridge" - 15mm Supportless Mech Miniature for FDM Printing

FR-1 "The Fridge" - 15mm Supportless Mech Miniature for FDM Printing


"It was the dawn of a new age, though we hardly knew it yet. A foreign adversary amassed in secret just miles out from our arctic research facility. By the time we knew what hit us, it was too late and too hot to call in support. Our only option was to use the machine the were here to seize, the FR-1. You know why they call it The Fridge right? Because it's ice cold... like its actually freezing in there." Inspired by some of my favorite supportless miniature creators, I'm embarking on an adventure of creating supportless mech minis! I am creating these in 15mm scale ideally to work with systems like Steel Rift, Lancer, Salvage Union, etc. but parts are also included to make TONK versions! I am very much a beginner to modeling so please think of this as a proof of concept for an FDM printable, supportless, modular mech. Scale to your hearts content! My only recommendation is to print hands on their own, one at a time, for best results. Files are 3mf (3d manufacturing file) but work about the same as your average STL. Instructions to come, for now please use images for reference on the correct build... or just go nuts! Variety is the spice of life, or so they say.







Model Robots