Freewing Rebel V2 Nose Cone
A few weeks ago, I was flying my Freewing Rebel V2 that I'd purchased from MotionRC, and I “dumb thumbed” the landing. I tried to throttle up, bring the plane around, and come back, but I didn't have enough power to carry it around to the runway again. It nosed over into the ground, and gave me minor damage, adding a crack to the fuselage that some FoamTac repaired. However, the nose cone was crushed and cracked, and so I decided I'd look up purchasing one. Motion RC had it listed for a ridiculously cheap price of $2.69 or something like that, so I thought, “Ok, I'll just buy one!”. No dice, it was out of stock. So I talked to one of my friends at the RC field who works for Motion RC and mentioned it, whereupon he said, “Oh man, I don't know how to tell you this, but…They're discontinuing the Freewing Rebel V2. Whatever parts they have in stock now, that's it.” I looked online, found it from AliExpress, but they only had 2 left. I went ahead and ordered one, got it here, and that's when it hit me that this is a stupidly simple shape to print up. I mocked it up in Onshape, printed one out, and realized I needed a slight bit more curvature to the nose cone to get it to fit properly, so this is the V2 of the nose cone for the Freewing Rebel V2! Print it in Vase mode, and make sure you print it without the bottom layer or else it'll “cap” it off for you, resulting in you having to cut the bottom out. I printed mine with a 0.2mm with 5mm brim, and it printed and fits perfectly when compared to the part I purchased from AliExpress. I printed mine in Matterhackers PLA, since that's the only material I had in white; I would recommend printing it in white PETG if you have access to it, though, just for the durability - this thing is thin, and in summer heat, it'll likely warp. If you look at the picture, the one on the right is the part I ordered, and the one on the left is my 3D printed version; considering how similar they look and the fact that the one on the right cost me $10 to have it shipped from China (AND it looks like the model is getting discontinued), I'll keep making the one on the left if they keep getting damaged. :)