CNC Bounds Protector

CNC Bounds Protector


I liked the Bartnik Dremel CNC project. I built it, but ran into some trouble with the lack of hard machine limits. I decided to try to build something which could be incorporated at the CNC Shield level which might provide some protection against an errant servo, or setup etc, The single picture is of a 3D printed part resembling a horseshoe, which fits at the extremities of the axes on the 12mm rail. Holes in the upper portion allow for connection of small diameter hook-up wire, and a recess accommodates a 6.4mm tactile switch. The diagonal legs on the switch are soldered to the hook-up wire, and the other legs are unused, but slot into blind holes in the part. 6 or 8 such fittings cover the whole machine requirement. One lead of each pair leads to a common earth, and the other lead to the CNC Shield End Stops. The STL file for 3D printing of the part is attached.





