9x12 4x5 Sheet Film Dev Holder

9x12 4x5 Sheet Film Dev Holder


I stole the design from the eTone 4x5 holder photos and made this thing from 1.6 nylon trimmer line. Added flexible joints instead of screw. I prefer this simple 2 sheets holder because of x-ray film stiffness and emulsion fragility. Fits nice to the AP and Paterson 2x135 tanks, also must work with 9x12 and 4x5" sheets both. Use any material that have proper chemical resistance, like, ABS or PETG. I don't have one. If you will use the actual nylon filament or trimmer line from garden store - dry the filament, turn the raft on, use the adhesive, reduce the speed /2, etc. Remember about heavy nylon's shrinkage and use the scale factor according to your material. Notes: The package said it's 1.5 line but it's 1.6 actually. Nozzle 250, bed 85, cooling: off, raft: on, supports: no need. Glue stick as adhesive. I used PLA standard speeds settings in the PrusaSlicer and cut it down /2. Zero infill setting but 5 walls makes this thing 100% filled. I needed 60g of dry nylon line to this thing.






