Ground Drone MK-1

Ground Drone MK-1


==================================================================== Ground Drone Mk-1 ==================================================================== This is a ground drone project that I constructed in 2020. It was a high school Grade 11 robotics project. Although the design wasn't perfect it was definitely one of the most interesting projects I have ever built! ==================================================================== This ground drone has a fairly huge space in the middle body for adding more electronics. It has around 100 - 150 meters maximum range for control. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things to reminder 1 - This drone uses only 2.5M threads to connect the body and parts. ( if you don't have any 2.5M threads, metal rods that have a diameter of around 2 - 2.5mm work too) 2 - For those who only have a small-size printer. I have attached a split parts print Stl file for you to print the middle body. The file separates the middle body parts into 5 pieces so you can print in the smaller printer. 3 - The electronics included in this project is HC-05 blue tooth module , Arduino UNO , Princess Dc motor 5v -12v and L298N motor controller. ( in case you don't have time to check out my project report page. ==================================================================== This is a link for the Hc-05 project video tutorial






