Finder + adapter + webcam = Guidescope

Finder + adapter + webcam = Guidescope


This is an adapter I designed to mount a Philips Webcam on the SW 50mm finder scope, to make the cheapest guidescope ever. With the SPC1000NC webcam, this assembly makes a 3,29" (arc sec) sampling guidescope. I found this webcam used for 10€ in my area. To be printed in very thin layers especially on the webcam thread (0,07mm on a Ender Creality 3 Pro) That part has to be screwed by hand, don't rush the assembly, be sure the webcam takes the threading correctly, or the sensor might be out of line with the optical axis. The finderscope thread was made by Fixoo (thanks!) Model tested (send me a message if you successfully tested it with other brand/models) SPC1000NC Toucam Pro 2 (PCVC840K) Toucam Pro (PCVC740K)



