Bed Leveler Upgrade - Monoprice Mini Select

Bed Leveler Upgrade - Monoprice Mini Select


So there you are, justly proud of your hot-end replacement only to notice that the bed level sensor is just a few short millimeters off-the-mark... Tempted to simply re-adjust the print nozzle, you realize that adding gaps in the plummimbing is probably why you had to replace the locus in the first place - why not simply move the sensor up or down, instead? That is what worked for me. Notes: * Sled design: "Top" slides on tightly - trial fit before final assembly - push hard? * Use original screws (M2.5) on "Btm" * Use "what works" (M2 - M3) on "Top" * Eye hole on "Top" is freestyle. I used an M3 * Bottom sled 1mm recess accommodates oversized "Top" screws p.s. If you've only one 3D printer, then you'd better print one of these sooner, rather than later. :-) Happy Hacking!



