9 Egg Stackable Storage Tray

9 Egg Stackable Storage Tray


A stackable 9 egg storage tray, sized for chicken eggs. It fits all eggs laid by our chickens, even big double-yokers - if they are seriously huge, you can tilt the egg a little to make it fit better. I print at 0.2mm layer height with a 0.4mm nozzle and no infill, but I increase the perimeters to 3 from 60mm height upwards. I stack these in our pantry, sometimes up to 8 high. After I fill a tray, I lift the older trays onto the freshest, so the oldest eggs are on top, perfect for boiling. I have a Base tray in the fridge with pre-boiled eggs for snacks etc. If you want a short "Base" tray, just print the bottom 30mm to create short legs, and increase the perimeters (I use 4) or use a lot of infill on the legs.



