Bitume/Gaslands Peugeot J9 Skullbreaker post-apocalyptic
The Peugeot J9 van was a symbol of the brand in the 1980s. It was used by the police, ambulance, livestock truck and tow truck. This multi-part model of the J9 represents the transformation of a tow truck into a post-apocalyptic combat war van for the Bitume role-playing game. Its crane is mobile and is equipped with a huge wrecking ball and counterweights. It is possible to add more weight to these by filling them with a heavy material in order to counterbalance the mass of the ball. With the multipart files, I added a complete lowpoly model, however I recommend printing the different parts in resin to appreciate the whole. For the front and the base of the shield,comes from the hora80 model ( For the crane, I used MojoBob's model ( which I found very interesting and I modified it to make it even more interesting. The crane swivels 360°, the arms are adjustable to the desired height and it can slide forwards and backwards with a basic rail system. The height from the ground of the rear part of the vehicle has been increased. This model can be used in the games "Gaslands", "Zombicide", "Darkfutur", of course "Bitume" and many other post-apocalyptic games. I hope you like this model, do not hesitate to post your makes and all feedback is welcome if of course it is constructive for the improvement or development of a similar model. thank you