Eye Animatronic Decoration

Eye Animatronic Decoration


<h1>Eye Animatronic </h1> This is a moving eyeball wall Halloween decoration. <h1>Instructions </h1> You can print all the parts normally with supports except for the base. You can chose to print the eye cover in white any eyeball color you would like. It would be better to print the eye cover in resin if you are able but FDM is fine as long as you sand it smooth. Print the eye cover upside down so that the supports would be on the outside of the dome. this I so that you can sand easier the outside of the dome instead of if the supports was made inside. you can use a piece of filament as axle for the x and y arms. Everything else is friction fit. Attach the magnet with opposing forces side to side. You can use superglue to keep the magnets in. it might be hard to alight and push the magnets into the cavity. <h1>Parts</h1> 2x Servos = https://www.amazon.ca/Miuzei-MG90S-Servo-Helicopter-Arduino/dp/B0BWJ26PX2?sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 4x Magnet = https://www.amazon.ca/L10x5x3mm-Rectangular-refrigerators-whiteboards-Projects/dp/B07RT31M63?sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 <h1>Extra</h1> Wanted to add a person sensor on the iris so that the eye can move to look at you. But with the sensor the iris became too thick and the feedback loop between the servo and the face detection rate was too slow and clunky. (mostly because of he servo drivers I'm using.). and could not get it finished in time for halloween.






