Cow Split Version

Cow Split Version


Big shout out to [Infalivia]( for creating this magnificent model. This is a split version of the model. You can print everything separately with whatever color you want. No need for MMU. I took the liberty and changes shapes and locations of spots compared to the original design. File names should be self explanatory. Beware of the elephant foot. Or at least be ready to do some work with your x-acto knife. I suggest you print spots with a finer layer height than usual. Use supports when printing body.stl. If you use a 0.25 nozzle you can scale the model down to at least 60% if you want to. I did not include a keychain hole because that would lock you in the current scale. If you need one, draw a torus and add it as a negative volume in the slicer. I used a super glue gel and toothpicks to put everything together.






