


ordered these things to make a lawnmower ignition or attempt to see if it would work anyway. doesnt work for that so decided to see if it would make what it was designed to make ... disclaimer. I am not liable for what you do with this design or the information you may glean from it. that said it is powered by a tp4056 module that is connected to 4 round disposable vape batteries wired in parallel. im really big on recycling these things, i buy them from people when they are"empty for a dollar because the batteries are well worth that. each battery is 1000mah. so you have 3.7v @4000mah... and it really rips ... the module is assembled into the handle you have to trim off a small bit of the excess tubing that these modules are made of, and it goes right in . a simple red pushbutton fits its wires down the notched side. that assembles the handles ... most of the rest is straight forward. i made the electrodes out of 5mm stainless steel rod. good luck on that one ... but i have alot of it scrap the mast is 1/2" pvc for the handle i severely reworked this model its an ok starting point, it was this or a light saber. idk is what it is. used this to model the charge module, but mine has the old mini usb so its made for that more than the micro usb modules. see pix for more detail . utub short






