Mid-Century Wall Lamp

Mid-Century Wall Lamp


Here is a mid-century lamp. Needs to be paired with a E26 bulb pendant lamp cord. Also needs two screws to affix to the wall. Main Body 1: The curved part of the main body which attaches to the wall. Connects to the arm (main body 2) using the supplied plug. Requires supports. Main Body 2: The arm of the lamp, which connects to Main Body 1 using the plug. Requires supports. Main Body Plug: Is used to connect the two main body parts. Put the chamfered end in first or it will not go in properly. No supports required. Lampshade: Needs a large printer, with an almost 30cm z axis, or can be split up. I can't recommend splitting as the light would not pass through evenly over the seam. I printed in matte white PLA. No support is required. Lamp Cap: Placed on the lampshade. There is a slit in the back to allow the extension cord to be placed within it. Face this slit to the wall so it can't be seen. Requires supports. Bulb Support: Put the screw part of the lightbulb through this before the bulb is screwed in. This will ensure the bulb sits nicely in the lamp and the light diffuses properly. No support required. This was the set I purchased: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0B56JLJ72?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1






