Ender 3 neo/pro Ender Extender 400mm Double Y Upgrade
Requirements----Ender 3 neo or Pro, 1. Ender Extender Bed Plate https://enderextender.com/products/universal-carriage-plate-for-ender-extender%C2%AE-400-and-500-size-kits 2. 2x Creality 42-40 Stepper Motors https://enderextender.com/products/creality-42-40-stepper-motor 3. Replacement Y Belt for Ender Extender 400PRO https://enderextender.com/products/replacement-y-belt-for-ender-extender-400pro 4. Y Axis 4040 for Ender Extender 400 Pro https://enderextender.com/products/y-axis-4040-for-ender-extender-400-pro 5. Ender 3 Pro Motor Bracket kit https://enderextender.com/products/42-40-motor-mount-bracket-kit 6. AC Powered 600 watt heat pad with solid state relay (SSR) - 120V https://enderextender.com/products/ac-powered-600-watt-heat-pad-with-solid-state-relay 7. Ender™ Extender 400 For The Creality Ender 3 Pro https://enderextender.com/products/ender-extender-400-for-ender-3-pro 8. Stepper motor splitter or an MCU with at least 5 steppers or 2 MCU's 9. Silicone spring replacements https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09M82YTXV?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details 10. ReliaBot 500mm MGN12 Linear Rail Guide with 2pcs MGN12H Carriage Block https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TBG3P83?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 **As of writing this the 500mm rails with 2 carriers are no long available to purchase as a set from this seller and the link is intended as descriptive **It us unknown and untested if stepper vref can safely be adjusted for 2 larger motors on the Y axis stepper. Adjust at your own risk, I take no responsibility for damages or injury due to this kit. That being said, stepper Vref for one 42-40 is ~1.35vdc. Do your research if you are unsure how to proceed. * as for the bed limit switch, it will not work in the stock location and you will need to find a solution that fits your needs for your unique printer. * I recommend printing at 80~100% infill * If you print smaller adjustment knobs there is no need for shims * You will need 7 to 8 extrusion brackets or drill mounting holes for the new rail locations * If you only have one Printer be sure to print everything you need before disassembly. you will also need an assortment of fasteners that include various sizes of m3 and m4 bolts and t-nuts The motor drop mount and belt tensioners shown are not my work and listed below, These are not required but make life easier. My linear rail belt clamp is simple by design and intended to be drilled after printing to meet your needs. It is designed to act as a spacer to lift the Carriage above the motors. Resizable shims are included as well. The belt clamp is borrowed from the link below. Ender 3 V2 Y axis belt tensioner replacement by eXthemaX on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5666207 Ender 3 Pro Linear Rail Conversion by ibuildit88 on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4928969