JC Creality K1 Speedbump Hinge and Betweener Remixer

JC Creality K1 Speedbump Hinge and Betweener Remixer


If you're looking at this, you like the Speedbump and the JC hinged Riser and you really wanted to make both work. Now you can. Included is a VERY rough combo of the JC Hinged Riser for the K1 as well as the speedbump. Some minor work with cutting off edges should be performed as I'm not great with design and I did what I could. Also included is an in-betweener for the riser that fits right. Follow installation instructions for the JC Hinged Riser (link below). I printed with the bump side down to avoid internal supports, you try what works for you and let us know! I'll update as needed as any questions arise. Thanks! https://www.printables.com/model/536359-creality-k1-riser-the-speedbump-closed-and-ventila https://www.printables.com/model/525295-jc-creality-k1-hinged-lid-riser



