Oculus Quest 3 VR Rifle Stock V2
Version 2 of the popular "Serenity Quest 3 Rifle Stock"... * Hand-Controller's battery door is accessible without removing Hand Controller. * New "Tie Down Stud" (fits inside the battery compartment and is used to lock the Hand Controller into the Hand-Controller Cup SOLIDLY with a small zip-tie) * Better angle for Aluminum Pipes.. Aligns Gaming Sights to better imitate your natural Point Of Aim. The stock is light enough to just leave on your right Quest-3 hand-controller. It doesn't get in the way of grabbing loot and climbing or using a sword, etc. Sorry the pics make the current V2 Stock look "beat up", but the stocks actually get USED for 3 hours per night, EVERY night, in "Population:One" and "Breachers". There are currently 15 people in our Gaming Group that use either the Quest-3 Version 1 Stock (Found Here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6267868), or this new Version 2 Stock, every night. (BTW, Our "Quest-2 Rifle Stock" can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6029933) Parts Needed: * 300mm (approx 12 Inches) of 7mm O.D. x 5mm I.D. Aluminum Pipe (Amazon) * 127mm-152mm (approx. 5-6 Inches) of 8mm O.D. x 5mm I.D. Aluminum Pipe (Amazon, Again ;) * 4 M3 Nuts/Bolts/Washers Easy Peasy! ;) (Apologies to the designer of the tiny wrist strap stud for the Quest-3 that I modified to use zip-ties, but I CAN NOT find it again... when I do I will link it here!!)