LED Light to Illuminate your Sidewinder X2 prints
# Illuminate your print and your printer! Searching for an easy to print solution? This one is designed for the Artillery Sidewinder X2. Made of 3 Parts, Cable can be mounted left or right. No further screws or glue is needed. Used with SK6812 RGBW LED IP30 144LEDs/Pixels/m 5V (for example [BTF-LIGHTING RGBW RGBNW Naturweiß SK6812](https://www.amazon.de/BTF-LIGHTING-Individuell-adressierbar-Traumfarbe-nicht-wasserdicht/dp/B01N0MA316/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=SK6812&qid=1699457943&sr=8-4&th=1) Fits for exactly 25 LEDs **Be sure to use a 144er Variant without IP65/67 protection - the dimensions are different** You can connect them directly to your printers board (instead of the extruder LED). This means further firmware adaptions - or you connect them to your [AirCookie WLED Project](https://kno.wled.ge/) If you are really fancy you can setup your effects or status illumination together with [Klipper firmware](https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html?h=led#neopixel) Tell us what was your solution? Example klipper config snippet, if it is directly connected to your board ``` [neopixel printled] pin: <YOUR-PIN> color_order: GRBW chain_count: 25 initial_RED: 0.0 initial_GREEN: 0.0 initial_BLUE: 0.0 initial_WHITE: 0.5 ``` Have fun. I would be very happy to see your makes of that! And feel free to comment. Like it? [![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/F2F7GC8PC)