Customisable Paintbrush Drying Rack

Customisable Paintbrush Drying Rack


This was inspired by I found that design was too small and didn't fit the brushes that I own well, but I loved the core concept. The new design is nice and small and fits in my travel bag for using when I'm away on the road. When painting if you need to put the brush down, having it at an angle stops the paint migrating into the ferrule and ruining the brush. Its the same when you have finished and have washed the brush. After a light dry on a paper towel, this is an ideal way of letting it dry naturally. The angle allows any remaining liquid to drain off, rather than inside the brush. I do this before putting it into a bigger paint brush rack (such as one of my other designs! I have made it customisable to allow it to work for different sizes, number of brushes and brush sizes. Hopefully if the standard STL I have included isn't quite right you can use it to design one that is. A brief overview of the parameters used: <ul> <li> <strong><em>frame_xsize</em></strong> : The Length of the drying frame </li> <li> <strong><em>frame_ysize</em></strong> : The width of the drying frame </li> <li> <strong><em>frame_thickness </em></strong> : How thick each part of the frame is </li> <li> <strong><em>brush_thick_end</em></strong> : The diameter of the thickest end of the paint brush </li> <li> <strong><em>brush_thin_end </em></strong> : The diameter of the thinnest end of the paint brush </li> <li> <strong><em>brush_angle </em></strong> : Determines the angle of the frame. 0 would be </li> <li> <strong><em>num_brushes </em></strong> : How many brushes to automatically fit onto the frame </li> <li> <strong><em>brush_offset </em></strong> : How far from the side the brush will appear. 0 being right on the edge of the frame </li> <li> <strong><em>brush_embed_offset </em></strong> : Offset so the brush isn't embedded too far into the frame. A bit of a fudge factor! </li> <li> <strong><em>bottom_angle_height </em></strong> : How high the lowest point of the frame is. The high end is calculated automatically from the the frame_xsize and angle. </li> <li> <strong><em>show_brush_model </em></strong> : Show the simplified brush model based on the two end diameters. Useful to visualise how it will look. </li> </ul>







Art Tools