Hostile Environment Shock Assault Troops

Hostile Environment Shock Assault Troops


Support me at: "Every battlefield the Hostile Environment Troops find themselves on, is a hostile, bombarded and chemically saturated one. Taking trenches, cities and sectors require troops in the thousands, and waiting for weeks or months on end for the right moment to strike. To that end, Command uses Shock Assault Troops, Specialists in lightning warfare. Other armies decorate these soldiers in honors, having them as elite regiments on their planets. The best of the best. Not so for the Hostile Environment Troops, for in the hellish condition they find themselves in, a simple hole in their suits means they are living on borrowed time. Most, but not all, Shock Assault are penal legionaires, promised freedom if they survive a single attack on an enemy position. Very few survive to see reinforcements, fewer still survive long enough for a commissar to excuse them of their sins and turn them free men and women. The life of a Shock Assault Trooper is a short and deadly life, but their sacrifices turn the tide of battle, saving thousands. Enlist Today!" This kit is a conversion kit for the newest plastic cadians. The torsos fit the equivelant piece in the assembling book in the plastic box. there are 7 different heads 11 different torsos All heads can be given female proportions by decreasing their width by roughly 8% Note: Some cutting of the plastic legs are required






