Sonoff Zigbee -  DeadBolt Lock Sensor

Sonoff Zigbee - DeadBolt Lock Sensor


If you too suffer from Ultra ADHD 4k, You NEED A LOCK SENSOR! We needed a way to know if a door was left unlocked in the house with out adding multiple expensive wifi automatic pinpad deadbolt locks. Thanks to Alan Nishioka posting their door lock sensor Instructable. Thanks Alan for Giving me the inspiration to do the same. And now with this setup we can rest easy knowing the doors are locked and the surveillance cameras will notify our phones if it detects persons around the house and the doors are locked... Using a Sonoff SNZB-04 Zigbee sensor. Remove from the case Remove the Reed sensor and relocate with wire / PIGTAIL. Add a small magnet to the Deadbolt Slide ( see photos) Used Kapton tape to make sure nothing shorts out. AND TO HOLD THE BATTERY!! (if you have issues where the sensor drops off your network, Check the connection to the battery before running down a rabbit hole assuming that the ZigBee network is having issues.) Alans Instructable looks like it works well with out a printed bracket however I was having problems with the circuit moving inside the door and intermittent detection issues, so I created this Quick and Dirty Sensor holder. Tucks away inside door lock. in different flavors, for RH or LH door setups, AND TILTED! I needed the TILTED versions for most of my doors, to get the reed sensor CLOSER to the strike plate of the door. otherwise the reed sensor would detect the magnet only in the middle of the closing procedure and then see it as UNLOCKED when the lock was fully engaged. Happy Modifying.



