Bed Level Test 16 points - BLTOUCH - 220x220 Bed

Bed Level Test 16 points - BLTOUCH - 220x220 Bed


Easy Bed Level Test for 16 point Autobedlevel BL Touch 20mm squares that represent the 16 point that BL Touch uses for a 220x220 size bed. Comes with runners so is easier to peel than simple squares, as it is one single piece you can keep better track of wich point need adjustment. Good choice when the printer allow you to adjust each autolevel point. -Modify your slicer first layer lines angle for better results (90°)- You can modify the height so you can really tune your printer: Start from 0.3 first layer height Print and tune your settings and keep printing the same gcode until you see improvement. Change the model height to 0.2 and your first layer height to 0.2 Print and tune yout settings and keep printing the same gcode until you are satisfied. If you really want to have a leveled bed go for a 0.1 or 0.12 layer height.



